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The Literature Review

The Literature review process can be confusing for students. This library module is intended to guide students through some of the basics of conducting research for a review and keeping track of the results.

There are four main types of literature reviews: traditional or narrative, systematic, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis.

  • The traditional narrative form analyzes and summarizes all known literature on a topic, providing a comprehensive overview. 
  • Systematic and synthesis reviews answer specific questions based on current evidence-based literature. 

Ensure you are clear on what kind of review your program of study requires. 

  • Talk to your instructor or advisor to establish expectations for the type of content expected in the review (e.g. original studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses) and the kind of review to research and write (e.g. narrative review, evidence synthesis). 
  • In the health sciences, it has become common for students to synthesize current evidence-based literature that draws on systematic reviews and meta-analyses based on the original research.

The DNP Literature Review

"The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project is based on applying an evidence-based practice intervention to address a problem/issue and evaluating the impact of the intervention on an identified outcome" 

Dr. Kristine Skalsky, DNP  Program Chair

THE LITERATURE REVIEW is an essential component of the DNP Project

The literature review is a structured and defined process involving literature searches for current evidence in healthcare in the form of original studies. Findings are generally presented in an evidence-synthesis format.

  • Question frameworks (aka critical appraisal frameworks), e.g. PICOT and SPIDER, are used to focus the topic.
  • Literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other EBP content support evidence-based practice in the health sciences 
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