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Nursing & Health Sciences

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice incorporates a three-pronged approach to decision-making

  1. valid research evidence
  2. healthcare providers 
  3. the patient

Identifying Evidence-Based Practice Resources in and outside the Library

  • The top of the pyramid represents the most integrated evidence into systems.
  • Each type serves a range of purposes in delivering evidence-based care and developing nursing scholarship.

Use the 6S Research Evidence Tool to find EBP Resources

                                                                                                                                                                           pyramid that shows the 6 levels of evidence based content in the health sciences               

Evidence-based formats in the library and online

Systems: informatics systems that provide patient-specific, evidence-based, computerized decision support at the point of care (articles that discuss systems that are being used or developed)

Summaries: includes clinical pathways or textbook summaries that integrate evidence-based information about specific clinical problems and provide regular updating

Synopses of Syntheses: includes best practice information sheets, evidence summaries, evidence-based recommendations for clinical care (care sheets, quick lessons) for specific populations(e.g. treatment of asthma in young adults)

Syntheses: most commonly systematic reviews or scoping reviews on a specific clinical question (eg, effectiveness of an intervention to get patients to take their medications)

Synopses of Studies: summaries of research studies in the form of clinical pathways content and clinical guidelines for  clinical topics (e.g. atrial flutter, diabetes)

Single Research Studies: original scholarly research on specific clinical disorders (eg, a randomized trial of a new vaccination for preventing HIV)

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