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Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

What is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity, or the maintenance of the highest ethical standards, is central to any research and scholarship. Instructors and students are expected to adhere to these standards which include: honesty, trust, fairness, responsibility, respect for others and their work. 

Click here to find out more about Academic Integrity at ASC/Post. 

Breaches of Academic Integrity

Breaches of academic integrity are defined as "engaging in, attempting to engage in, or assisting others to engage or attempt to engage in conduct that violates the standard of academic integrity required from Students by the University".

Violations include: 

  • Cheating and plagiarism, which is an act of deception by which a Student misrepresents that he/she or others have mastered information for an assessment that they have not mastered." Examples are:
    • Cheating: 
      • using crib sheets
      • copying a classmate's answers or exchanging information with another person during an examination
      • using calculators, dictionaries, electronic devices etc. during or related to an exam, unless expressly permitted
      • using any unauthorized device or aid in the preparation of or completion of an Academic Assessment
      • Ghost writing/Contract cheating: paying someone to write your paper/buying a paper online
    • Collusion: 
      • submitting a paper as your own that was done entirely or partially by someone else
      • working with others on assignments if told you are to work individually
    • Plagiarism:
      • making unacknowledged use of someone else’s words, ideas or data regardless of source
        • not citing the sources you used
        • citing a source only in text
        • citing a source only in the reference list
        • not identifying direct quotes properly
        • paraphrasing or summarizing information from a source without acknowledgement
        • patchwriting
        • submitting all or part of the same Academic Assessment more than once without prior approval (self-plagiarism)
  • Fabrication: the intentional use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings (for example: data from an experiment; creating a reference to a source which does not exist)
  • Forgery or Falsification of Documents: falsely completing, altering or falsifying any documentation required by the University in respect of academic matters, including medical notes, an academic record or transcript, or an application form
  • Assisting Another Student in Committing an Integrity Violation:
    • allowing another Student to see examination answer
    • impersonating or agreeing to be impersonated on an Academic Assessment or online posting
    • helping another Student falsify documents
    • writing or producing a work for another student that they submit as their own work
    • sharing of information and resources in person or online and via social media platforms that may lead to an unfair advantage over other students
    • assisting another Student in any other Integrity Violation
  • Infringement of Copyright: failing to comply with the provisions of copyright law or any University policy pertaining to copyright compliance

Adapted from: Academic Integrity & Plagiarism. (2023, May 16). KPU.


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